For some Sims the addition of seasonal changes and holidays may not make any difference: office jobs remain the same no matter what the weather is doing. But for others it can make enormous differences, such as when you are following the brand new gardening
career path.
If you are enjoying this career path, spring and summer time will be all about planting and growing your flowers and crops, autumn with harvesting and laying by the results. Then, in winter you can get into flower arranging, sell off your harvested crops
or repurpose yourself as a botanist for the duration.
The flower harvest goes in cycles, but there tends to always be something on the go, to keep your garden looking lovely and yourself occupied, but your crops tend to make a dramatic difference, depending on whether they are just sprouting, growing well,
fruiting or ready for harvest. Once they have been reaped and your garden beds are fallow, resting until it is spring time and you can start all over again, they look still and quiet, a far cry from summer glory.
Holiday time!
There are four holidays preloaded in this game, plus you can invent your own holiday, slotting it in whenever you feel that your Sims need a break. This can be a sweet holiday like Friendship Day where you do something nice for your friends, or it can
be a bit more evil, like Prank Your Neighbour Day! Just remember, whatever you do to them, they can do it back to you, and with interest if they are so inclined!
Love Day: the perfect day to send your Sim crush a love token, anonymous card or a letter declaring your feelings for them. Expect lots of hearts, and pink and red décor and a fair amount of giggling as your Sims pair up and head off to who knows where
to do who knows what…
Harvestfest: loosely allied to Thanksgiving, this holiday brings all your Sims together to eat and be nice to one another, having decorated the house nicely. Then things take a turn for the different with the appearance of three gnomes who must be appeased.
You do this by choosing from the variety of gifts that display when you click on them: if they are appeased, they give you a gift, if not, they trash your appliances
Winterfest: roughly analogous with Christmas, you decorate your house (by hand, and all the decorations need to be taken down the same way as soon as the holiday is over, so some circumspection might be called for!) and put up a decorated tree. At the
appropriate time the Winter Father appears down your chimney and provides presents for the whole family – be sure to choose the right chimney if you have two!
New Year’s Eve: pretty much the same as in the real world, your Sims must make resolutions of things they want to achieve in the coming year and there is a countdown to the arrival of the New Year
There are other random holidays that occur from time to time: such as Neighbourhood Brawl, a holiday that encourages a neighbourhood battle by way of a holiday!
Release Date
22 JUN 2016